Saint Brieuc offshore wind farm Micro Shelters installation
The IBERDROLA’s Saint Brieuc offshore wind farm Bird and Navigation radar system project is progressing. The offshore installation of the radars and shelters has happened over the last few weeks.
Performed by the turbine supplier, the lifting and installation works were realised fast and efficiently after thorough preparation.
Integrated in Micro Shelters, TERMA radars, FLIR cameras, and communication equipment will contribute to the safety of navigation enforced by Marine Nationale.
These will also support the analysis of the wind farm’s impacts on the avian wild life. These studies are performed in cooperation with our partner DHI.
The installation is particularly important as it opens up for the final commissioning offshore and onshore, to be realised in the coming months.
Micro Shelter Solution is involved in Offshore Wind farm development in several projects around the world, and teamed up with EVIDEN for this particular challenging realisation.